What do I write?

Adult satire about shadowy law student debating clubs with designs on democracy. Young Adult novels about strong and competitive girls. Feminist retellings of Jewish myth and folklore, like Lilith, Leah and Rachel. Middle Grade novels of friendship and family and Jewish creatures like estries and dybbuks and golems. Historical middle grade about Mimi Mendelbaum, who’s having a Fib-Free Summer of 1974 when President Nixon resigns.

Short stories, including:

“The Liminality of a Decent Couch” in Slippery Elm Literary Journal (Fall 2024).

“The Night I Met F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Ghost,”representing North Carolina in Haunted States of America (Henry Holt 2024), which you can purchase here.

“You Are Red,” in Roses & Wildflowers (dr Spring 2024).

“Hunting Season,” in THE WORDSMITHS from Hollow Oak Press.

“Chooser,” in Cerasus Magazine (Issue 5), available here.

“My Zombie Apocalypse Boyfriend,” in FORNEVER AFTER (Jolly Horror Press, 2021), available here .

And essays and opinion pieces:

“I Saw You Coming, Justice Save Haven,” read on the Dr. Waffle & Friends podcast, episode 3.2, released November 1, 2024.

Tall Praise for the Short Story,” Pen & Palette, SCBWI Carolinas, June 2021.

Life—and Writing and Illustrating in the Time of Covid-19: A Moment of Gratitude for Our Relative Good Fortune,” Pen & Palette, SCBWI Carolinas, April 2020.

“Witches Are Our Warriors: Spotting (and Combatting!) Implicit Gender Bias in Your Writing,” Pen & Palette, SCBWI Carolinas, March 2020.

“The 15-Minute Problem with Asheville City Schools’ Calendar,” Citizen-Times, November 2, 2018.

“Asheville City Schools’ Strategic Plan Fails the Achievement Gap Test,” Citizen-Times, Aug. 8, 2016.


About Me